Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Phew! Much better....

Ok, so apparently I am the only one who must have days like yesterday since no one else left me a comment....

Regardless, today was a much better day!  I am over the moon happy that my mom is here for a few days and that means just a little bit more me time while Matthew gets extra spoiled ;o)

Forgot to mention in my rant yesterday that we had a wonderful little getaway to Edmonton on the weekend!  We visited with friends, went to the mall to go on rides, saw a hockey game and spent lots of quality family time together... hopefully I will get a chance to blog about it very soon....

And isn't it great that we have weather that still allows us to see these?  Can't believe it's Nov 25 tomorrow and +8... I guess this is one time I won't complain about global warming!

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness. If I had seen your post on Monday I would have basically said ditto. And it would seem that our paralelle lives continue with us being on the same monthly cycle! lol

    i would say that those moms that don't have days where they just want to take the keys and walk out the door are living in delusional land. i think that you are a better mom, wife, friend, sister, etc for having these days, knowing what they are and making it through to the other side.

    today max watched 82 episodes of penguins of madagascar, just because i felt bad about him getting his booster shot for h1n1. so if there is a line for mothers of the year, it starts over here!

    glad to hear that the week got better as it went along.
