Wednesday, May 20, 2009

G.O.N.E. 2009

I have been getting together with a great group of girls that I used to work with in Vancouver for the last 4 years. We've known each other for almost 10 years now and since I've moved to Calgary, we've managed to keep in touch through emails and phone calls and a yearly get together we call G.O.N.E.

G.O.N.E.? Girls Only, No Exceptions! We held our first GONE event in the spring of 2005 in Whistler BC. We decided if the event was going to continue, it needed a name and after a few drinks and a beaver tale in the town of Whistler at 2am, GONE was born and has stuck ever since.

GONE 2005 part deux was in Victoria.
GONE 2006 was enjoyed at the newly built chez James in Calgary while we enjoyed the Stampede and in particular the Bucking Breakfast (I not need to say more..)
GONE 2007 was in Gibsons, BC, although I had to miss this one because I had a brand new baby boy to look after!
GONE 2008 was in Vegas Baby and celebrated 2 out of the 6 of us getting married!
and GONE 2009 was celebrated this past weekend at a very relaxing resort in Kelowna, BC.

Unfortunately, one of the six GONE girls couldn't make it, but we knew she was there in spirit!

Where, in the past, our weekends have been filled with fun events, we truly had a great time just relaxing and catching up on gossip in our rented villa at the Manteo resort. I would highly recommend this resort if you are ever looking to go to Kelowna.

Dinner. It is important to still eat healthy to "balance" all the chocolate, wine (or near beer), cake, chips, m&m's and more we consumed! (I forgot to mention that 3/5 of us, present company excluded, were expecting!)

Julie - my cooking companion. We felt sorry for all those pregnant girls and cooked dinner while they put their feet up :op

Sunday morning brunch at Summerhill Winery. Great food, great view and great conversation!

I usually get to stay out of pictures, being the photographer, but my camera was hijacked!

More conversation, more laughs....

Here's to hoping we have many more great GONE weekends in the years to come girls! Miss you all already :o(


  1. What a great weekend! We will certainly have to try and keep up the GONE trips even if we have to redefine it to include babies.

    GOOB - Girls Only & Occasionally Babies? Doesn't quite have the same ring to it, but I'm sure we'll figure it out :)

  2. Great pictures Erin! I am glad you had a great GONE'09 trip and I am really sorry I missed it, but I was definetely there in spirit. ; )

  3. Oh the memories (already)... The pictures are awesome!!! Glad you were able to make it out. Already waiting for next year :)

  4. Great Blog Erin. It is pretty cool how we have kept up on the GONE tradition over the years. I am looking forward to the many future GONE/GOOB events!
    P.S. Thanks for not providing too many details on the Buckin' Breakfast!
