Sunday, February 22, 2009

...And the Oscar Goes To......

Tonight, I am happily tucked up in my bed, after Matthew has gone to sleep and Darren has gone to hockey, and I am watching the Academy Awards. For someone who honestly cannot remember the last time I sat down and even watched a 30 minute show on TV, this is a big feat for me.

But, it's the Academy Awards, and even when they've seemed cheesy in some years, I can't help but want to tune in.

For a girl who's never really been a natural "girly girl", it's the one time of year where I still like to dream about what it would be like to be there and to be dressed up in a gown like that and walk in front of all those people!

Aren't the awards fabulous this year? I love how the have actors on stage talking directly to the nominees... and Penelope's speech? It was awesome and almost made me cry!

Some year, I will be there. It is on my list (someday I'll share my list with you). I missed it by a week this year, but some year, some how, I will get to experience some part of it.

And by the way, for those of you who razzed me about Keith Urban before, Hugh Jackman is at the top of my list as well, and wasn't he terrific in the opening today? By the way, did I ever tell you I was thiiiiiisssss close to meeting him once? Outside a venue in Vancouver.... but I was too chicken to go up to him.... sure wish I would have now...

Enjoy the rest of the Oscars girls!


  1. The best thing about the Oscars is the dresses. I thought the girl from Slumdog looked stunning.

  2. I was unfrotunately watching it with terrible reception while in NYC. You'd think hotel TVs would get good reception. So I had to watch blurry, stretched out divas and couldn't tell you looked good and who didn't. Loved the way the past nominees spoke to the present. I really think that was inspired. Yeah Slumdog! Awesome movie.
